Business of the Year

(25+ Employees)


Nominees submit only once for the 2025 Halifax Business Awards (with one exception: Business Leader nominees may also apply in one other category for their organization). If you are nominated in multiple categories, choose the one that most applies.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Nominees must have an active business located or operating in HRM.
  2. Nominees must have been in business more than two years as of August 31 last year.
  3. Nominees must have a total number of full-time employees exceeding 25.
  4. Please note: Not for Profits/Crown Corporations/100% Government Funded Organizations are not eligible for this category.

By completing this submission, you confirm that you meet the eligibility criteria for the selected category and accept the nomination.

NOTE: We appreciate the work that goes into completing a submission, but only those selected as finalists will be notified of their status once judging is complete. Further, Due to the volume that we receive, we are unable to provide feedback on individual submissions once judging is complete.

Criterion Weight
Tell us about your organization. Help us understand who you are and what you do. 16.7%
How does your company demonstrate leadership and excellence in your industry and in your community? Explain how it is a part of your corporate culture. 16.7%
In the last 3 years, what was your most significant strategic decision and how did you go about coming to a decision? Did you encounter significant risk while making this decision? How did you overcome the risk? 16.7%
What are the top three factors that have supported your company's growth over the last 3-5 years? How has your growth impacted your business and your community? 16.7%
How are you a part of/contributing to the Halifax business community? How are you making it stronger? 16.7%
What is your organization's mandate in advancing diversity, equity, accessibility and inclusion and how are you demonstrating this within your workplace and with the community and/or people you serve? 16.7%
Small Business of the Year

(Up to 24 Employees)


Nominees submit only once for the 2025 Halifax Business Awards (with one exception: Business Leader nominees may also apply in one other category for their organization). If you are nominated in multiple categories, choose the one that most applies.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Nominees must have an active business located or operating in HRM. The majority of the business must have provincial ownership and headquarters must be located provincially.
  2. Nominees must be an independently owned and operated business with a total number of full-time  employees not exceeding 25.
  3. Business must be owner operated for a minimum of two years, as of August 31 last year.
  4. Please note: Not for Profits/Crown Corporations/ 100% Government Funded Organizations are not eligible for this category.

By completing this submission, you confirm that you meet the eligibility criteria for the selected category and accept the nomination.

NOTE: We appreciate the work that goes into completing a submission, but only those selected as finalists will be notified of their status once judging is complete. Further, Due to the volume that we receive, we are unable to provide feedback on individual submissions once judging is complete.

Criterion Weight
Tell us about your organization. Help us understand who you are and what you do. 16.7%
How has your company evolved in the past three years? What is your strategy to sustain your company's growth model? 16.7%
What are you doing to ensure your business continues to be successful? What obstacles have you overcome to achieve success in your industry? How did you overcome them? 16.7%
Please identify a key event/change for your business in the past 12-24 months and explain how it has contributed to your business success. 16.7%
How are you a part of/contributing to the Halifax business community? How are you making it stronger? 16.7%
Does diversity, equity, accessibility and inclusion play a role in your business and if so, how? 16.7%
Business Leader of the Year

Nominees submit only once for the 2025 Halifax Business Awards (with one exception: Business Leader nominees may also apply in one other category for their organization). If you are nominated in multiple categories, choose the one that most applies.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Nominees must have an active participation in a business located or operating in HRM. The majority of the business must have provincial ownership and headquarters must be located provincially.
  2. Please note: Individuals currently working for Crown Corporations/100% Government Funded Organizations are not eligible for this category.

By completing this submission, you confirm that you meet the eligibility criteria for the selected category and accept the nomination.

NOTE: We appreciate the work that goes into completing a submission, but only those selected as finalists will be notified of their status once judging is complete. Further, Due to the volume that we receive, we are unable to provide feedback on individual submissions once judging is complete.

Criterion Weight
Tell us about your organization. Help us understand who you are and what you do. 16.7%
How have you shown vision and leadership in your community? Where did these traits come from? 16.7%
What has been your proudest accomplishment to date and how has this impacted the community? 16.7%
What involvement do you have in mentoring others and helping to develop future leaders? How has this influenced you as a leader? 16.7%
How are you a part of/contributing to the Halifax business community? How are you making it stronger? 16.7%
As a leader, what importance do you place on diversity, equity accessibility and inclusion and how do you demonstrate inclusive leadership with your team and business? 16.7%
Export Business of the Year

Nominees submit only once for the 2025 Halifax Business Awards (with one exception: Business Leader nominees may also apply in one other category for their organization). If you are nominated in multiple categories, choose the one that most applies.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Nominees must have an active office in HRM.
  2. Nominees must be headquartered in Nova Scotia.
  3. A minimum of 40% of customers, partners or revenues must come from markets outside of Nova Scotia.
  4. Please note: Not for Profits/Crown Corporations/100% Government Funded Organizations are not eligible for this category.

By completing this submission, you confirm that you meet the eligibility criteria for the selected category and accept the nomination.

NOTE: We appreciate the work that goes into completing a submission, but only those selected as finalists will be notified of their status once judging is complete. Further, Due to the volume that we receive, we are unable to provide feedback on individual submissions once judging is complete.

Criterion Weight
Tell us about your organization. Help us understand who you are and what you do. 16.7%
Explain how your business operates in the international market place and how that impacts the local community. 16.7%
What is your strategy to create traction on a global scale? 16.7%
What are the greatest challenges facing your company? How did you overcome those challenges? 16.7%
How are you a part of/contributing to the Halifax business community? How are you making it stronger? 16.7%
What importance does your organization place on diversity, equity, accessibility and inclusion and how is this reflected in your business? 16.7%
Innovative Business of the Year

Nominees submit only once for the 2025 Halifax Business Awards (with one exception: Business Leader nominees may also apply in one other category for their organization). If you are nominated in multiple categories, choose the one that most applies.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Nominees must have an active business located or operating in HRM. The majority of the business must have provincial ownership and headquarters must be located provincially.
  2. Nominees must have introduced an innovative product, service, internal process, etc. on or before August 31 last year or be operating in a mode where innovation is built into the culture of the company.
  3. Please note that Not for Profits/Crown Corporations/100% Government Funded Organizations are not eligible for this category.

By completing this submission, you confirm that you meet the eligibility criteria for the selected category and accept the nomination.

NOTE: We appreciate the work that goes into completing a submission, but only those selected as finalists will be notified of their status once judging is complete. Further, Due to the volume that we receive, we are unable to provide feedback on individual submissions once judging is complete.

Criterion Weight
Tell us about your organization. Help us understand who you are and what you do. 16.7%
How does your company define innovation? 16.7%
What makes your company a good contender for Innovative Business of the Year? Tell us about your company's innovation over the last year. 16.7%
What are the greatest challenges facing your company? How did you overcome those challenges? 16.7%
How are you a part of/contributing to the Halifax business community? How are you making it stronger? 16.7%
What kind of progressive measures do you take to support diversity, equity, accessibility and inclusion within your workplace and/or in the community? 16.7%
New Business of the Year

In business for less than 2 years.


Nominees submit only once for the 2025 Halifax Business Awards (with one exception: Business Leader nominees may also apply in one other category for their organization). If you are nominated in multiple categories, choose the one that most applies.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Nominees must have an active business located or operating in HRM. The majority of the business must have provincial ownership and headquarters must be located provincially.
  2. Nominees must have been in business less than two years as of August 31 last year.
  3. Nominees cannot be an expansion of an existing business, name change or new location of an existing organization.
  4. Please note: Not for Profits/Crown Corporations/100% Government Funded Organizations are not eligible for this category.

By completing this submission, you confirm that you meet the eligibility criteria for the selected category and accept the nomination.

NOTE: We appreciate the work that goes into completing a submission, but only those selected as finalists will be notified of their status once judging is complete. Further, Due to the volume that we receive, we are unable to provide feedback on individual submissions once judging is complete.

Criterion Weight
Tell us about your organization. Help us understand who you are and what you do. 16.7%
What inspired you to open a business and, in particular, this business? 16.7%
How have you achieved early successes in your business? What obstacles have you overcome and how did you get past them? 16.7%
What is the most important lesson that you have learned in the past year and how does it apply to your business? 16.7%
How are you a part of/contributing to the Halifax business community? How are you making it stronger? 16.7%
As a new business, what do you consider to be the importance of diversity, equity, accessibility and inclusion and how is this reflected in your organization? 16.7%
Not For Profit of the Year

Nominees submit only once for the 2024 Halifax Business Awards (with one exception: Business Leader nominees may also apply in one other category for their organization). If you are nominated in multiple categories, choose the one that most applies.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Nominees must be a registered not-for-profit located and operating in HRM.
  2. Minimum 51% of staff must work in HRM.
  3. Minimum 51% of activities and funds must be raised in HRM.
  4. Nominees must work to achieve social and/or cultural and economic outcomes, as well as to generate sufficient cash flow to continue to support their causes.

By completing this submission, you confirm that you meet the eligibility criteria for the selected category and accept the nomination.

NOTE: We appreciate the work that goes into completing a submission, but only those selected as finalists will be notified of their status once judging is complete. Further, Due to the volume that we receive, we are unable to provide feedback on individual submissions once judging is complete.

Criterion Weight
Tell us about your organization. Help us understand who you are and what you do. 16.7%
How does your organization demonstrate innovation in services or programs to meet changing demands in the Halifax community? 16.7%
What does your organization do to achieve originality and sustainability in generating income or securing funding? 16.7%
How does your organization demonstrate strong and accountable governance and leadership? 16.7%
What are your business' objectives and how do you use your resources effectively to achieve these goals? 16.7%
How is your organization supporting and advancing diversity, equity, accessibility and inclusion in your workplace and with the community and people you serve? 16.7%

Please read the eligibility requirements and judging criteria before submitting your entry.

Nominate now
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